Sunday, January 21, 2007

delicious cords

Originally uploaded by vespabelle.

Some cute cordoroy fabric I bought a few months ago. Plus some calicos and a cute rayon print.

I love baby-wale cord!

party banner

I've seen several versions of similar banners on different blogs lately, so I thought I'd post mine.


I was inspired by a banner that a local kids store was selling. I liked the banner, but not the price: $45!

This one cost me close to nothing since it's mostly made from scraps and bias tape from an estate sale. So, my total cost was less than $5 (and I think I'm being conservative.

I first made a template of a triangle.

Then I folded my fabric and placed the short side of the triangle on the folded edge.

I cut out the triangle using pinking shears.

I cut out letters from felt and sewed them on one side of the triangle pennants.

Then I sewed the triangles over the bias tape. (I think twill tape or ribbon would work a bit better.)

Nothing comes between me and my Calvins!


Here's Greta looking crabby in her new Calvin Klein jeans! I finished these a few days ago.


The pattern is a bit different than most kids patterns in terms of size. There's 4 inches difference between the waist and the hips (for this size 5, the it was a 19" waist and 23" hips!) Frankly, I don't know any kindergarteners who have waists that much smaller than their hips.

At first, I made the waist too small (too tight elastic) and had to let out the elastic on the back yolk. (You can't see it in the picture here because my model was being uncooperative.)


The changes I made:
Lengthened the legs a bit
Added a little tab on the back.
Used a rivit/button instead of a sewn on button.

What I did wrong:
The back pockets are not even. I think you can see it in the back view but it's not so noticible considering she's in constant motion!
I put put the buttonhole on the waistband too high. It worked out, but doesn't look so great.

I think they're pretty good looking jeans. I plan to make these again in some of the soft baby-wale cord I got at an estate sale in December.